Inner Child Healing Yoga

Program Details

WHEN: May 23, 2025

TIME: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

 FRIDAYS MAY 23RD - JULY 18TH | 6-7PM | MOVE STUDIO | Ages 15+ | $80

Workshop is an 8-week series. Signing up commits you to all 8 dates. No experience necessary. Cost is for entire series.  

Inner Child Healing Yoga

8-WEEK SERIES | INCLUDED DATES: 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18 (no class week of 7/1)

INSTRUCTOR:  Sangam Stanczak

This 8-week series will take you on a journey to re-visit your innocent and vulnerable 5-year-old-self to move you closer to peace, joy, and purpose. You will discover what they lacked, and now as an adult, how you can soothe this part of you. This class utilizes yoga, meditation and visualization to bring awareness to what is holding you back from going headfirst towards your dreams...your gift to the world.


Max Class Size: 40

Min Class Size: 3

*If minimum capacity is not met by one week prior, the workshop will be cancelled.