The Artist’s Way: A Journey to Rediscover Creativity

Program Details

WHEN: Jul 12, 2025

TIME: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

SATURDAYS JULY 12TH – AUGUST 2ND | 12-1PM | MOVE STUDIO | Ages 18+ | $70

Workshop is a 4-week series. Signing up commits you to all 4 dates. No experience necessary. Cost is for entire series.   

The Artist’s Way: A Journey to Rediscover Creativity

4-WEEK SERIES | INCLUDED DATES: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/2

INSTRUCTOR: Debra Murphy

Julia Cameron’s book has been around for decades and has changed millions of people’s lives with its actionable steps for discovering and recovering creativity and purpose. I have been using it since it first came out in the ’90’s and found it to be valuable for helping keep up the confidence and inspiration to believe, like all people, I am an artist at heart. In this 4-week series, we’ll use journaling, movement, “shadow work”, dance and other modalities to do the same. In week One, like setting off on a journey, we’ll work with the Art of Taking the Big Leap. Week Two we’ll cross the first threshold to Discover the Power of Resilience. Week Three is Claiming the Treasure and the last week, Integration: The Interconnect Road Home.


Max Class Size: 25

Min Class Size: 4

*If minimum capacity is not met by one week prior, the workshop will be cancelled.